Venezuelan Crisis : What went wrong with the no.1 Oil reserver in the world?
At present Venezuela has the largest oil reserve capacity I.e 303 billion barrel oil reserve 18% of the total world’s oil reserve. There was a time when Venezuela was considered as one of the top 20 richest countries in the world. So what happened then? Why at present time it is among top 20 poorest countries in the world? In 1999, Hugo Chavez became the president of Venezuela who was very kind hearted person and mostly focused on social welfare. From 1999 oil prices started rising and went up to $100 per barrel. Oil was the main source of income for Venezuela. Their 95% revenue was from the oil business. Most of the revenue from the oil was used by the government in social welfare programmes. When they faced any crunch of money, they used to borrow it from Russia and China. As they were earning huge revenue from oil business, they didn’t face any difficulties in importing. In return China took oil less than the market price from Venezuela. In 2013, after the death of Hugo C...