Rethink, Renew & Relunch HR in the New Abnormal

As we rethink, re-haul and renew HR practices in the new world of work, the HR community will have to review people practices keeping the post- COVID- 19 situation in perspecting.


“There is no going back and there will be a new normal!”

During this COVID-19, how it was impacting everyone globally and immediate concern was the well-being of employees and continuity of business. A three – pronged approach was adopted to ensure business continuity, boost employee morale and ensure employee well – being.

Pre & During the Lockdown-

Tool set-

Ensure work continuity by providing requisite support, infrastructure and resources for employee to be productive, especially as they adopt the “new ways of remote working”. IT infra enablement, virtual working, informative sessions on MS teams were all part of the plan.


Skill set-

The focused on creating a virtual learning environment so that one could learn, engage, be aware, and be appreciated. Hence, LEAP (Learn, engage, aware, praise) was launched with defined objectives- cross- functional collaboration, seamless communication, empower and engage employees beyond the workplace and deliver an employee experience. Efforts were made to engage employees and encourage to share their “work from home” experiences.


During the lockdown and continuity in the phased un-locking times-


Organization tech- enable personalized options to employees. An employee handbook across the organisations to re-orient employees with new normal & provide guideline in the basic changes that we need to make in our day to day functioning to ensure safety for self and others.

Organisations are also conscious that there is a virtual & screen fatigue that seems to have set in. Add to that the worst of the mind because of uncertainty.


As we all move ahead in batting the COVID-19 situation and stabilizing the business. We will utilize technology to enable effective and efficient conversation and one such example is how we have converted our employee handbook into mini digital capsules for our employees. We have learnt that Technology will be a “Force – multiplier”.


Back to New Normal-

As we rethink, re – haul & renew HR practices in the new world of work, the HR community will have to review people practice keeping the post COVID-19 situation in perspecting.

I strongly believe that going ahead, the causes of HR function will be measured basis 3 aspects-

·      How efficiently has the work, workforce and workplace collaboration been enable?

·      How much value HR has created for the organization?

·      How efficiently has the workforce adapted to the changes brought on by COVID-19?


I strongly believe that the ultimate measure of an individual is not where one stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where one stands in times of challenge and adversity. More importantly, how you as an organization “made them feel” during adverse time. As HR, stood up for every employee and their family members and made a difference because we believe.

      “Tough times don’t last, tough people, do!”





  1. Good one and informative πŸ‘

  2. Thank u for ur appreciation 😊

  3. Well researched and thoughtfully written! Keep up the good work dear πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘.

  4. Keep it up good work😊

  5. Great job...keep it up. πŸ‘

  6. I think the batting should be changed to battling and the work force management should be given the priority to a new epoch of management. Lots of hazards should be anticipated and how can be managed in a rigorous manner should be emphasized

    1. Yes whatever u said is absolutely ri8...but here's batting means what difficulty all r facing during dis thank u for ur feedback 😊


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